Import Calyx Point File


This page allows you to upload a Calyx© Point© export file, which will be used to populate information for order placement. Upon importing a Calyx Point file you will be brought back to the "Place Order" page with the information from your file populating many of the fields. Please review the form carefully before submitting your order.

To import Calyx© Point© files, download this export template and place it in C:\PNTTEMPL\DATAEXP\ or C:\PNTTEMPL\INTRFACE\TITLE\ (the path will vary depending on the version of Calyx Point you're using). Then, when you have a file loaded in Point, export it using the menu item "File/Export To/Other App (using export template)". When prompted, select the "ResWareCalyx.exp" export template. The file will be exported to C:\CALYX.EXP. This is the file you need to specify below.